This section holds the information tied to your account as a whole. You can change the address of the account, update the logo that appears in the upper right of the screen on all pages, and enable webhooks from the Account Info tab. Updating the logo will require you to choose an appropriate file from your device to use as the image. Conditions for the file are included in the popup shown below.

Under the Security tab, you can adjust requirements for user passwords for your account. Clicking the checkbox next to “Must Change After” box will open up access to the dropdown below it to select a corresponding value. Options range from 30 days to 1 year. 

The Dayparts tab enables creation of custom time blocks that will be usable for all locations/equipment on the account. Dayparts appear in other sections and can provide a clearer picture based on your particular schedule. For example, the table on the Product Count tab (under Equipment Insights – Food Prep) can be filtered by Daypart to see what products are being sold during the different time blocks. Also, the Reporting Day field set here will change when your day begins for many automated reports. This field is particularly useful if you’d like the days on your reports to begin when staff change between shifts for example. 

In Training Documents, you can add files that will be viewable at the location Snapshot discussed a bit later in this document. The Account section is only visible to Enterprise Admin users, so this can be a great way to share documentation across more restricted user types.