Tag Archives: TCO

Increase ROI: 5 steps to just-in-time equipment replacement

Increased costs of run-to-fail

It’s the operations manager’s nightmare: A vital piece of mission-critical HVAC or restaurant equipment fails in the middle of the busiest season of the year. Suddenly, you’re coordinating an emergency replacement. You need it yesterday, and you’re forced to take what you can get. Known as “run-to-fail”, for better or worse this is the dominant […]

Don’t Pass (Up) the Buck: Understanding Total Cost of Ownership Leads to Long-Term Savings

Black Friday shopping

I came across a (timely) PBS blog post the other day entitled: “Dan Ariely: Why our Brains Might not be Able to Resist Black Friday”. The first sentence of the post was effective in altering expectations of what the blog was about: “Well, in the best tradition of bait-and-switch, this is Duke behavioral psychologist Dan […]