Thought Leadership

The Myth vs. Reality of Energy Savings | Convenience Store News

Powerhouse Dynamics CEO Martin Flusberg has written a post exclusively for Convenience Store News about energy savings at convenience stores and other 24/7 operations. Here’s an excerpt: There are opportunities to save despite running a 24/7 operation. On many occasions, I have heard from people responsible for 24/7 operations — typically, convenience stores and restaurants — that […]

Powerhouse Dynamics CEO Martin Flusberg has written a post exclusively for Convenience Store News about energy savings at convenience stores and other 24/7 operations. Here’s an excerpt:

There are opportunities to save despite running a 24/7 operation.

On many occasions, I have heard from people responsible for 24/7 operations — typically, convenience stores and restaurants — that energy management systems (EMS) do not make sense for them because there are no real opportunities for savings in a facility open for business all the time. In fact, based on the number of times we have heard this, it would appear to be the conventional wisdom. But closer examination suggests this may be more of a common misperception than a common truth. Consider the following four opportunities for savings in a facility open 24/7… Read more here.

Read our white paper with 10 practical actions for reducing energy costs at C-Stores: