(cross-posted from the ServiceChannel blog)
ServiceChannel works with a range of partners in adjacent solution categories, bringing best-of-breed capabilities to the facilities management ecosystem. This is the next in a series of guest posts from our partners highlighting how these new technologies are driving innovation and real value across the enterprise.
Ordinarily, the process of discovering a problem in a key piece of equipment, alerting the appropriate people, creating a work order to fix the problem, and confirming the repair was effective can be prolonged, disruptive, and expensive.
For retail stores, restaurants, convenience stores, or any other type of location with assets, maintaining efficient and proper operating conditions is critical to ensuring a positive customer experience.
Discovering and rectifying issues in mission-critical equipment – such as HVAC or refrigeration – can be dramatically accelerated by integrating asset and energy management, which has the ability to automatically detect faults and alert both on-site and remote teams, with a computerized facilities maintenance system, to ensure such issues are addressed promptly….
And join us to learn more on January 23: