Category Archives: Small Commercial Facilities

Facility Management Best Practices for Retail

Operations leaders across the retail industry may not always face the same challenges. Still, each has a similar goal: to improve their organization’s operating costs, boost employee productivity, and stay ahead of equipment performance issues. In recent decades, accomplishing these initiatives has become easier with the Internet of Things (IoT), but facility management is always […]

3 Ways Smart Kitchens Help Reduce Stress During Labor Shortages

The food service industry was hit hard by the pandemic and unfortunately, the problems aren’t in the rearview mirror just yet. When restaurants across the nation were forced to close, owners looked forward to a time when their empty tables would be full again. But with that day here, many are still struggling; not because […]

Predicting RTU Mechanical Failures

RTU in poor condition

Packaged rooftop units (RTUs) are essential to most commercial operations. They are vital to every cool ice cream shop on a hot day, warm coffee shop on a cold one, and now (more important than ever) the increased ventilation required for restarting business mid-pandemic. Because of RTUs’ key role in delivering a great customer (and […]

This update to the CARES Act may provide additional tax relief for SiteSage users

With all the COVID-related challenges in retail and food service these days, we’re all looking for ways to controls costs.  While it may be a bit tedious to wade through, there are some changes to the federal tax code that may provide some relief.    We’ve come across some updates to the CARES Act that […]

Three Predictions for the New Normal

As restaurants and retailers begin reopening across the country, we have been reflecting on how our “new normal” in a pandemic-wary world will change the ways in which our food service and retail customers act.  For our typical users, who are focused on facilities maintenance, energy consumption, or food safety and product quality, three themes […]

Getting Ready to Re-open; What can be Done to Minimize Risks?

Restaurants are being allowed to re-open in many parts of the country, typically with some level of restriction that may vary widely from state to state.  In my home state of Massachusetts, one of the hardest hit by COVID-19, restaurants have been able to re-open as of last week – for outdoor dining only. Texas […]

New HVAC Guidelines for Reopening and Reducing Risk of Viral Transmission

Changes to the operation of heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning systems in buildings nationwide will play a key role in the reopening of American businesses. In May, The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) issued a series of recommendations aimed to curb the spread of COVID-19 once customers return to stores. ASHRAE’s epidemic […]

5 Ways SiteSage Can Help You Meet Your 2020 Operating Goals

For most multisite operators, whether you own quick-serve restaurants, convenience stores or retail stores, a big part of 2020 planning will be centered around your operating goals. Operating goals are the driving forces of an organization’s long-term success and strategy. Whether your focus is on generating top-line revenue or bottom-line savings, SiteSage equipment and energy […]

SiteSage Rebates now available from the NYSERDA RTEM


Powerhouse Dynamics was recently approved as both a Systems and Services provider in NYSERDA’s RTEM (Real-time Energy Management) market. You may be asking what RTEM is and why you should care: if so, read on. RTEM is NYSERDA’s new rebate program that covers all of New York State, minus Long Island (which is covered separately […]

Are Your Thermostat Temperature Sensors in the Wrong Place?

Badly placed temp sensor

Let’s suppose your Heating and Cooling equipment is in perfect health and your thermostats are internet-connected and set with a perfect schedule to maximize comfort and energy savings. You have reason to be proud and thankful! However, all of this technology is still at the mercy of a small temperature sensor that reports room temperature […]

30% price hike?! Restaurants, C-Stores & Retail: Time to Manage Energy!


This morning, a local Boston radio station broadcast a story about the projected 30-50% rise in electric prices this winter across New England. Because the price hike is due to structural issues including a lack of natural gas transmission capability (over 50% of electricity is generated by natural gas in New England), it is unlikely to be temporary, and […]

30{9e9e99e0aa33304967f3b3f95b41a9c8b857afbbbf6b3eae28bf86859e197ae9} price hike?! Restaurants, C-Stores & Retail: Time to Manage Energy!


This morning, a local Boston radio station broadcast a story about the projected 30-50{9e9e99e0aa33304967f3b3f95b41a9c8b857afbbbf6b3eae28bf86859e197ae9} rise in electric prices this winter across New England. Because the price hike is due to structural issues including a lack of natural gas transmission capability (over 50{9e9e99e0aa33304967f3b3f95b41a9c8b857afbbbf6b3eae28bf86859e197ae9} of electricity is generated by natural gas in New England), it is unlikely to be temporary, and […]